Category Archives: Jaspal’s Poems

……………….. Now ……………….

Now … is all that I have.

Each single moment I am

Just a ‘construct’

Rising out of perceptions, perspectives, beliefs and stories

Alloyed in the crucible of experience.

Like a drowning man I clutch

Tendencies which feed my Ego

Constantly fueling my Sense-of-Entitlement.

The lure of the Comfort-Zone beckons strong

Like a puppet, I wildly sway between Avarice or Aversion

Bewitched by Limitless Greed and Limitless Fear.

The joyful dance of Nature continues

Every sunrise, and every sunset brings forth

The agony and the ecstasy of birth and death

Tears of joy and sorrow chisel away at my heart

At long last, the hard-shell melts.

In a flash Awareness dawns

Everything is Inter-Connected AND Inter-Dependent

The same Energy permeates All

Radiating from the Core

It flows in cycles, along the gradient

It all comes together


Stretching my arms skyward

With deep gratitude, I receive

The gift of life, death and every breath in between

With Compassion, I Choose

To offer my entire Presence on the alter of Service.

As the mist lifts

Flooded with a Sense-of-the-Sacred

I celebrate my Home-coming

Once again, I am whole

Now … is all that I have.      

Jaspal Bajwa